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  • Writer's pictureFout's 4th Grade

Meet Stella!

Hello! I'm Stella! I am an Argiope aurantia, or more commonly known as a yellow garden spider. My venom is harmless to humans, but it helps to immobilize my prey (flies, bees, and other flying insects that are caught in the web) I love grasshoppers! My web contains a highly visible zigzagging X-shaped pattern (like a zipper) called a stabilimentum. Because my web is so big, I do this out of consideration for birds so they can see my web and not fly into it.

I put my web up in a school garden about 3 weeks ago. A bunch of human children came running over to see me when they noticed me. They aren't so bad though. They've been feeding me my favorite food. Grasshoppers! They gave me one everyday! I get so excited when they come to see me!

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